leona piro act two home staging

By this time in the season, a lot of potted plants are starting to look tired. Although they still have some beautiful blossoms, overall they start looking like eyesores. So here’s what I did with my potted pansies that are the first thing I see before entering my office. I cut off all the blossoms, arranged them in two vases (one is a repurposed olive jar) and finished them off with some pretty ribbon in coordinating colors. They made a nice decorative addition to the books stacked on my credenza.

Then I cut the plant way back to give it a fresh new start. In a few weeks, I should have vivid green leaves and beautiful new blossoms! While it won’t be nearly as full as it was at the beginning of the season, there won’t be any scrawny yellow and brown stems to greet me in the morning.

leona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home staging