
I love to use artwork in my staging and decorating projects, from original pieces by local artists to budget friendly prints. I especially loved this piece (shown below) by Banksy, a British street artist that has covered buildings with his controversial, and often politically themed, stenciled pieces.

Read more about Bansky and where to purchase his artwork.

leona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home staging

Rochester has had an infusion of street artists in recent years, adding large scale art installations to buildings since 2011. You can find it all around the city, some seen from the street, others tucked away in alleys and parking lots. Read more about the Wall Therapy artists.

leona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home stagingleona piro act two home staging