Staging for the Holidays

Rather than adding holiday pieces to your year round décor, trade one piece for another. Don’t let holiday decorations dominate a room. As with all staging, keep it simple. Think elegant and sophisticated rather than cutesy. Save Santa and Frosty for next year. Avoid a clash of colors. Holiday decorations do not [...]

2012-12-13T19:28:42+00:00December 13th, 2012|Staging Tips|

Featured Artist: John Hendry

Rochester New York metal artist John Hendry has been designing and creating one of a kind art from his studio since the early 1980's. Everything John puts into form is his own and never outsourced or duplicated. He has public works that grace schools and memorial gardens as well as many homes who have [...]

2014-09-10T15:17:05+00:00December 6th, 2012|Custom Decor, Featured Artists|