While working on a vacant staging, Leona was having a hard time finding just the right size and color wall piece to complement the space. When nothing in Act Two Home Staging’s inventory would work and there was little time left to complete the staging project, it was time to get creative.

1. A trip to Tome Traders at 147 Clay Road in Henrietta was the first step. Searching through mounds of old framed photos and prints, Leona found several frames priced at $3.00 each!

2. Using Lowe’s Valspar spray paint and primer in one, Leona gave each frame two coats of paint.

3. After measuring the wall space and deciding on the overall dimensions, she tried a few different arrangements by first laying them out on the floor.

4. Act Two Home Staging relied on the help of Gaylon Arnold, Furniture Conservator (and expert picture hanger!) to screw the frames together and hang the arrangement in just the right spot.