It is one thing to select a beautiful room color that coordinates with your furnishings or a piece of artwork, but quite another to select a palette of colors that blend well from one room to another. The arrangement of colors is what creates flow and harmony in a home. For example, browns, creamy coffee colors and shades of gold create a nice flow. With an open floor plan, gold might be a good choice for the kitchen followed by a deeper shade of gold in the adjoining family room with a creamy coffee for the dinning room and a deeper brown for the home office. By planning ahead, each room becomes a piece of a whole and well-decorated home.

To further unify the rooms of a home, be consistent with trim and door colors throughout the house. Similar flooring in open rooms also creates a good flow and a feeling of spaciousness. When using the same color in different shades, you can still give each room distinctive character by using different accent colors.